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Openssl crypting before sending to web server

Jan 12 '16 at 13:23

I need to encrypt and evelop to base64 format, a field before send it to a public server. Now I'm using this command in batch : binopenssl.exe rsautl -encrypt -in C:PROGRAMMIbinsStringToCript_chiaro.txt -out C:PROGRAMMIbinsStringToCript_chiaro.enc -inkey C:PROGRAMMI\binSanitelCF.cer -certin -pkcs binopenssl.exe base64 -base64 -e -out C:PROGRAMMIbinsStringToCript_chiaro.enc.b64 -in C:PROGRAMMIbinsStringToCript_chiaro.enc How it's possible do the same using Chilkat? Thanks for an answer. Mark / Italy